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5th Dimension Ascension: Chakra Health, Self-Care, & Energetic Upgrades

Writer's picture: Shelly HoekstraShelly Hoekstra

We are in a time of profound transformation. Our Earth is shifting position within the cosmos, and her inner grid is coming back online. As these energetic changes take place, we can feel the effects. We are gaining access to our intuition like never before. Our unresolved issues are coming to light to be healed and released. There is a growing sense of awareness, we are not living our lives to our greatest potential, and there is a deep recognition of the disparity in the world. We have entered the age of awakening.

During this time of great polarity, we must learn to care for ourselves more deeply and raise our vibration. Addressing old programming, our shadow self, and clearing our energetic bodies regularly are essential to our growth. We have evolved as far as we can as a race using intellect alone. It is time to connect with our intuition and rise above our limiting patterns.

We have the ability to shatter the mental constructs that our society has imposed upon us, and that we have allowed to imprison us. The fear-based agendas, the emphasis on scarcity, and the power plays of opposition are all delusions that we have bought into. It is time to break free and ascend. It is time for us to expand our consciousness, and make the transition into higher dimensional frequencies, into the 5th dimension.

With a focus on chakra health maintenance, self-care tools, and interdimensional energetic upgrades, we can find balance. We can clear our systems of negativity, connect more deeply with our Higher-Self, and activate dormant DNA. This is how we manage ascension with a bit more ease.

Chakra Health

Knowledge of the chakra system dates back thousands of years to Ayurvedic medicine in ancient India. Chakras are spinning energetic vortexes that connect our physical bodies with our auric field. Each energetic center has a unique vibrational frequency that aligns with a particular color and sound. Maintaining a healthy chakra system is vital to creating balance in our lives at every level.

Seven Main Chakras: Color & Location

  1. Root Chakra - red, base of the spine

  2. Sacral Chakra - orange, center of lower abdomen

  3. Solar Plexus Chakra - yellow, stomach

  4. Heart Chakra - green, center of the chest

  5. Throat Chakra - sky blue, center of the throat

  6. Third Eye Chakra - midnight-blue/purple, center of the forehead

  7. Crown Chakra - violet, center of the crown of the head

Thymus Chakra

In spiritual development, it is important to open and clear the thymus chakra in addition to the main chakra system. It is blue-green in color and located between the heart and throat chakra, about 2 inches below the V of your collar bone. It is often referred to as the higher heart chakra. It is a spiritual center, a gateway connecting the head to the heart, and a conduit to our Higher-Self.

For more information on how the chakras interconnect with our physical bodies, emotions, and life aspects, you can go to: An Introduction to Our Energetic Body & Energy Medicine’s Healing Abilities

Chakra Healing Tools

There are many options available for healing and maintaining the chakra system. Using a few of these techniques in your life with consistency will be of great value.


During the evolution of awakening, our shadow side needs to be explored. Invite repressed emotions to come to the surface to be felt, faced, and dissolved. Release the buried emotions once and for all.

Question yourself. Go deep to identify what has been hiding below the surface. How much self-love do you have? Are you able to speak your truth and live authentically? Are you able to live without guilt? Do you feel worthy and deserving of abundance? Once you recognize any deficiencies, work to heal them and alter your perspective.

Holistic self-care is imperative. Meditate daily. Use visualizations and affirmations as though you have already achieved the great success you desire. Be sure to dream big!

Get plenty of sleep, rest, and spend time in quiet contemplation. Exercise, and drink water abundantly. Stop using fluoride in any form. It is harmful to our bodies and blocks the spiritual attributes of the pineal gland.

Allow tears to flow when they come. They release repressed emotions. Infuse playfulness and laughter into your life. Increase your spiritual knowledge and know that you cannot make enlightenment happen. It is not something that you can do with the mind but will happen in divine right time, once you have done the work. Your Higher-Self will make that determination.

Self-Care Tools

Implement a daily personal practice that helps you find the quiet stillness within. A practice that allows you to move with the flow of life. Include other options in your routine with some regularity. A variety of resources will support your ultimate stability, one technique is not enough. The chakra healing tools also work well as self-care options.

Learn to Read the Signs

As you progress along your journey, your psychic abilities will become enhanced, and synchronicities will become more prevalent. Pay attention and learn to decipher the messages coming across. Explore your dreams, interpret song lyrics that pop into your mind out of nowhere, and look up the symbolism of animals crossing your path. You can also utilize divination tools for guidance, support, and confirmation: oracle cards, tarot cards, and numerology can be invaluable.

Oracle Cards

Oracle cards are fairly simple and straight forward to use. They are great for beginners and are a conduit for higher guidance, validation, and direction in our lives. They impart information related to our past, present, and future existence.

Oracle decks are meant to be read intuitively but they also come with descriptive materials. The focus of each deck will vary. You can use multiple decks when looking for different kinds of information. You can ask single questions or look online for different spreads to gather the insight you are looking for.

Tarot Cards

Tarot cards are made up of a 78-card deck that was developed thousands of years ago. Each card has a special meaning, and when used in spreads, the combined energies describe different life aspects and energies. Intuition is a powerful tool when using these cards. They are similar to oracle cards, channeling higher guidance and understanding.

You can learn to use tarot cards yourself or utilize tarot readers. Tarot readers provide their services for a fee, but you can also find general readings on YouTube for free. When using general readings, be sure to use your own discernment (intuition) when interpreting the information provided. You will know when the messages resonate with you and when they do not. If you are interested in learning how to read the cards yourself, there are books, new age shops, as well as online information and courses.



Numerology is the study of the energetic vibration of numbers. These energetic frequencies align with and reflect what is happening in our lives. For example, seeing the number 555 repeatedly in your life signifies that you are, or soon will be, experiencing change. This could be internal transformation, such as a change in perception, or changes in your physical world, such as a new career. There are books and classes available for learning this art, or you can utilize free numerology websites online.

Energetic Upgrades

During this time of global transformation, we are receiving support from higher dimensional benevolent beings. These beings have expanded consciousness and know the struggle of the transition we are currently experiencing because they have been through it. They want to help, and more and more intergalactic connections are being made.

The number of channelers, contactees, and individuals remembering past lives from the stars is exploding at an exponential rate. We are coming into an era where our galactic connections are reestablishing themselves.

There are many galactic civilizations, in addition to the spiritual realm, assisting with our awakening. Together, they are providing energetic upgrades that can help us tap into our intuition, activate our Higher-Self, dissolve limitations, and awaken our cosmic, dormant DNA.

About two-thirds of our DNA lies in dormancy. This DNA holds information from all of our past lives. Once reactivated, we can communicate with our innate; heal on every level, mind, body, and soul; and release all of our limiting patterns that no longer serve us.

Without fear, judgment, doubt, and other blocks we often unknowingly hold, we uncover our true selves. We gain clarity, hidden skills, talents and abilities, and motivational creativity that can accelerate our journey. We can then live our lives to our greatest potential.

These energetic transmissions are fairly new but becoming more and more prevalent. They are offered through channelers, and you can find them online, as apps, as well as in-person sessions. Some of the channeled sessions come with a fee.

The Stargate Experience has recorded transmissions and guided meditations available online for free at: Stream the Stargate Experience. Begin with the Stargate Activation Meditation. For more information about this work and the channelers, Prageet Harris and Julieanne Conard, go to: The Stargate Experience.

The energetic transmissions offered through guided meditations work best when used repeatedly, and your sensitivity to the energies will become much stronger as you go along. You are provided with energy levels that meet you where you are at, therefore becoming more powerful over time.

The End of an Era

The journey of ascension is not an easy one. The ego has trouble letting go of control, and there are many shadows we need to face, release, and/or integrate into our whole. But the outcome is worth every challenging, confusing, and painful aspect we must encounter along the way. When the timing is right, the transition happens with no effort at all, simply a change in perspective. Best wishes to all on this adventure.


New Earth

We are at a time of great change.

Just imagine how fabulous our lives are about to become!



Phone: (413) 569-8048


© 2021 Shelly Hoekstra, Life Coach & Alternative Healing

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